McGregor Research Station

Livestock and cropping research for thriving Texas production

The McGregor Research Center encompasses 6,372 acres of native and introduced pastureland in Central Texas.

The center has 10 full-time employees, two part-time maintenance employees, and three to six seasonal student employees.

The center runs approximately 1,000 breeding females and 60+ herd bulls, a feed yard facility with 1,200 head feeding capacity, a 300 head individual feed intake facility, and farms approximately 1,500 acres of row crop (corn & sorghum sudan) and small grains (wheat & oats).

A grain elevator at the McGregor Research Center
G Cliff Lamb in suit and tie, portrait

The McGergor Research Center is a important component in the mission of Texas A&M AgriLife Research to support healthy lives and livelihoods through leading-edge discovery and innovation.

G. Cliff Lamb, Director, Texas A&M AgriLife Research