Service Centers and Core Facilities

advancing research, Supporting Texas Producers
Core research facilities and service centers supported by AgriLife Research provide a varying array of technologies and methods for advancing ongoing research by Texas A&M faculty and staff as well as support for producers and industry initiatives.
Big data processing, plant transformation, advanced phenotyping techniques and disease diagnosis are some of the services available though these facilities.
Service centers and core facilities online
Providing big data and computational technology for the well-being of Texas land and natural resources
Comprehensive genomics and bioinformatics services including sequencing, library preparation processing and analysis for Texas A&M, Texas and the world
A service laboratory of the Center for Natural Resource Information Technology offering decision support tools for better management of livestock and natural resources
Offering instrumentation for targeted and untargeted metabolomics analysis, specializing in small, polar compounds that can be separated by liquid or gas chromatography
Advanced technologies for crop transformation services, including refrigerate centrifuge and shaker, spectrophotometer, stereoscopes, fluorescence imaging system, laminar flows and gene gun among others
Advanced sensors, robotics, big data and controlled environment technology providing a revolutionary new imaging system for precisely studying agricultural crops
Protein analysis services using state-of-the-art instrumentation, systems, software, technical expertise and training for the application of modern molecular biological technologies
The liaison between AgriLife Research plant breeding programs and companies interested in licensing genetically pure plant varieties
Diagnostic assistance with any type of plant disease problem in any type of plant, with lab tests available for the detection of most plant pathogens
Research Across Texas
In addition to the Texas A&M AgriLife Research and Extension Centers, AgriLife Research supports new discoveries across institutes and partnership initiatives; academic departments in the Texas A&M University College of Agriculture and Life Sciences and the School of Veterinary Medicine and Biomedical Sciences; Texas A&M University System campuses with AgriLife Research joint appointments; and more.