Strategic Plan

Agricultural advancement through research for healthier lives and livelihoods
The Texas A&M AgriLife Research strategic plan is an aspirational 5-year guide to realizing healthy lives and livelihoods, improved through abundant, affordable and high-quality food and agricultural products in Texas and around the world.
Our commitment: Strengthening our capacity to serve
Continuing to advance agriculture in our four priority areas requires a corresponding commitment to grow and strengthen the scientific enterprise of AgriLife Research by enhancing research capacity, productivity and impact.
- Invest in recruitment, retention
- Support faculty funding searches and scholarship
- Improve infrastructure and access
- Integrate AgriLife Research and SVMBS administration and faculty
- Recognize and reward successes
- Support next-generation training
- Nurture internal/external stakeholder relationships
- Develop paths to funding

Aligning with The Texas A&M University System
The Texas A&M University System Strategic Imperatives
The set of four priorities identified in the AgriLife Research strategic plan is informed by alignment with the broader imperatives of The Texas A&M University System. The AgriLife Research strategic priorities align directly with three of The Texas A&M University System’s eight strategic imperatives.
Imperative #4
Increase prominence by building a robust and targeted research portfolio.
Imperative #5
Provide services that respond to the needs of the people of Texas and contribute to the strength of the state’s economy.
Imperative #7
Pursue pioneering and progressive opportunities to address national and global challenges.